Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015

Explore the beauty of south Bali on this day tour. Visit Tan­jung Benoa the cen­tre of Bali’s water sport, Garuda Wisnu Ken­cana Parks with its huge statue of Garuda, The beau­ti­ful tem­ple of Uluwatu dan enjoy spe­cial seafood din­ner in Jimbaran
High­lights of the tours:
Here we will real­ize how beau­ti­ful the world under the sea if we pre­serve. Of course, reefs, coral, orna­men­tal fish in Tan­jung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali. You could play Water Sports such as Para­sail­ing, Banana boat, Fly­ing Fish, Jet Sky, Visit Tur­tle Island, etc. Absolutely Lot of fun.
Garuda Wisnu Ken­cana, or GWK for short, is the name of a cul­tural park on Bali’s hilly south­ern coast famous for the ongo­ing con­struc­tion of a gigan­tic statue of Vishnu rid­ing on the back of garuda (a super­nat­ural ea– gle-​like being). The com­pleted part of the statue is of the upper part of Vishnu’s body, the head of the garuda’s and Vishnu’s hands. The cul­tural park has become one of the favourite places in Bali for art and cul­tural per­for­mances, exhi­bi­tions, and con­fer­ences.GWK, once com­pleted at 145 metres, will be one of the world?s tallest stat­ues and erected on the top of the hill, with
Built on top of a mag­nif­i­cent steep cliffs (70m above sea level) on the west Pecatu vil­lage, Pura Uluwatu is one of the sev­eral impor­tant tem­ples to the spirit of the sea to be found along the south­ern coast of Bali. With direct views over­look­ing the beau­ti­ful Indian Ocean and daily Kecak dance per­for­mances, Pura Uluwatu is def­i­nitely one of the top places on the island to go to for sun­set delights. Bali­nese archi­tec­ture, tra­di­tion­ally– designed gate­ways, and ancient sculp­tures add to Pura Uluwatu’s appeal.
JIM­BARAN BAYIn the late years, Jim­baran emerges into a must-​visited beach. It will be the par­adise for seafood lovers that would like to taste the cui­sine by the sea while wit­ness­ing the moment of an air­craft tak­ing off or land­ing on Ngu­rah Rai Inter­na­tional Air­port. Hon­ey­moon­ers may have a roman­tic din­ner accom­pa­nied with the light of torches and the thun­der­ous sound of the ocean wave which breaks the silence of the night.
Pick Up Time: 09.00 || Dura­tion: 08 Hours
Tour Rates : USD 55/​car (Max. 5 person)
Tour includes:
  • Air-​conditioned Car
  • Eng­lish Speak­ing Driver
  • Pri­vate touring
  • Tour Sight­see­ing as per itinerary
  • Park­ing Fee
Tour excludes: Lunch, Entrance fee at places vis­ited.

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

With­out a doubt the Ele­phant Safari Park in Taro is a MUST for vis­i­tors to Bali, and is the ONLY com­plete Ele­phant expe­ri­ence in the world — mak­ing it truly unique. Get up close and per­sonal with these incred­i­ble ani­mals in a beau­ti­ful trop­i­cal park set­ting. Ele­phants can be seen immers­ing them­selves in the park lake, in between rid­ing, paint­ing or other activ­i­ties. Hand feed them, touch them, take pho­tos with them, then learn more about the ele­phants ances­try and diver­sity at the parks his­tor­i­cal and graphic displays.
ELE­PHANT PARK TOUR (with­out ele­phant ride)
  • USD 65/​Adult
  • USD 44/​Child (515 y.o)
The tour includes: Air-​conditioned hotel trans­fer, Park admis­sion, Ele­phant tal­ent show, Safari ride, Buf­fet lunch, Insurance
  • USD19/​Adult
  • USD 10/​Child 5 – 15 y.o
  • USD 5/​Infant (below 4 y.o)
ELE­PHANT SAFARI RIDE (Park Admis­sion Excluded)
  • USD 52/​Adult
  • USD 37/​Child (515 y.o)
  • USD 16/​Infant (below 4 y.o)
  • USD 61,5/Adult
  • USD 42/​Child (515 y.o)
  • USD 18,5/Infant (below 4 y.o)
KIDS MINI RIDE(15 min. for kid under 10 y.0)
  • USD 19/​Child (515 y.o)
  • USD 15/​Infant (below 4 y.o)
PARK ENTRANCE + KIDS MINI RIDE(15 min. for kid under 10 y.0)
  • USD 24/​Child (515 y.o)
  • USD 17,5/Infant (below 4 y.o)
ELE­PHANT BATHING (Sub­ject to availability)
  • USD 25/​Adult
SAFARI UNDER THE STARS (Park Admis­sion Excluded)
  • USD 69/​Adult
  • USD 53/​Child (515 y.o)
  • USD 21/​Infant (below 4 y.o)

Drive towards the west of the island with a stop at Pura Sada who was built by the King of Mengwi around 12 century.
The next stop is at the Bali­nese com­pound in Tua Vil­lage. Where you’ll be also taken for a short walk around the gar­den behind the house to dis­cover the tra­di­tional home farm­ing and plan­ta­tion, also look at the local peo­ple mak­ing the Hindu shrines.
You will have your cof­fee break in this house at the same time.Then into the first jun­gle of Bedugul for a short off road drive.
The trip con­tinue by a cross Beratan Lake with the Ulun Danu Tem­ple set on the shore of the lake, it’s a beau­ti­ful scenery on the way. Then You’ll be escorted by our cap­tain through the organic farm­ing to get the idea of this won­der­ful agri­cul­ture. Your lunch will be served here as well.
Before going back to your hotel, we will enter­ing the sec­ond jun­gle, it’s a typ­i­cal rain for­est that Bali has,then make a short walk to find and see a holly Tirta Mam­peh waterfall.

Pick up time: 08.1508.45 || Dura­tion : 09 Hours
Tour rates:
  • USD 90 pp (Min­i­mum 2 person)
  • Child(5 – 12 y.o) 75%
Tour includes:
  • Trans­porta­tion by land rover
  • Cof­fee break
  • Lunch
  • All dona­tions
  • Entrance fees
  • Insur­ance

Jumat, 07 Agustus 2015

Ubud Tours

Walk  around the village of Ubud, the centre of bali’s  art and Culture , See its palaces with its beautiful carving of Baline se style,  walk in its art market and  its  monkey forest . Enjoy  the surrounding  rice field views  and  the temples includes Goa Gajah”Elephant Cave” temple, some archaeological remains found, indicating that the temple belong to very old ones are: Budha statue, three branching stupa, fountain statues, etc ring the period of Ciwa Budha. Tampak Siring is   haven of the holy spring called Tirta Empul, believed to be made by Indra when he pierced the earth to create a spring of amerta, the source of immortality and used to revive Indra’s forces poisoned by Mayadanawa. On a hill above the spring is the Government Palace built in 1954. Tampaksiring was one of Bali’s cen- tre of Governance

Highlights of the tours:
Rice Field in Ubud at Tegalalang is famous for its beautiful scenes of rice paddies involving the subak (traditional Balinese cooperative irrigation system), which according to history, was passed down by a revered holy man named Rsi Markandeya in the eighth century. This view alone has an outlook that spreads down before you and away to the rice terraces on the slopes across the valley. The high roadside location is cool and breezy and it is a well-known spot for tourists to stop and take photos. 
There are around 200 monkeys in Ubud forest. Among the amount monkeys living in this forest, there are 23 adult male, 79 adult female and 98 still baby. All the monkeys in this forest consisted of three groups, dwell certain area and use the certain place and certain time. However, it also happened that entire group can use the forest and whenever two groups are existing at same place and time, they will fight each other. These monkeys are believed as Gods Guard of Dalem Agung Temple. Entrance fee only Rp. 30.000 / person
The eleventh century cave built on the hillside is one major tourist attraction close to Ubud-Gianyar road. Besides the cave which is the key attraction, the traditional bathing pool and a number of ancient stone relics fulfill the curiosity for some mystical experience.
Ubud village is the center of arts in Bali, it’s arts very famous all over the world, all the great and famous fine arts are here. Mas village, here we will see how creative people making wood carving. Celuk village, the place to see how patient Balinese making handmade silver jewelry this village is also renowned for its Silver Filigree and gold jewelry special design and great quality items. Tohpati village is very well known as the center of Batik weaving
Tirta Empul Temple bequeathed to the people by ancient Rajadom is perhaps one of the most fascinating spot in the area. On the west side of this temple, high on the hill could be found a Presidential Palace that was built during Soekarno’s time.
Pick Up Time: 09.00 || Duration: 07 Hours
Tour Rates : USD 40/car (Max. 5 person)

Tour includes:
  • Air-conditioned Car
  • English Speaking Driver
  • Private touring
  • Tour Sightseeing as per itinerary
  • Parking Fee
Tour excludes: Lunch, Entrance fee at places visited. 

Bali Car Hire

What best way to discover and explore the charm of Bali than with a great, safe and comfortable ride. Let us take care of you and your way around the enchanting Island of Bali.

Our comfortable and reliable rides/vehicles chauffeured by friendly and knowledgeable drivers who are familiar with the points of destination and interest on the island will ensure that your journey will be pleasant and memorable.

Maximun: 5 Passengers
Rate: IDR. 500.000,-
Including:Driver and Petrol
Duration: 10 Hours
Overtime: IDR. 50.000/Hour

Maximun: 5 Passengers
Rate: IDR. 2.000.000,-
Duration: 10 Hours
Including: Driver and Petrol
Overtime: IDR. 100.000,-/Hour 

Maximun: 5 Passengers
Rate: IDR. 600.000,-
Duration: 10 Hours
Including: Driver and Petrol
Overtime: IDR. 50.000,-/Hour 

Maximun : 5 Passengers
Rate: IDR. 400.000,-
Duration: 10 Hours
Including: Driver and Petrol
Overtime: IDR. 50.000,-/Hou

Maximun: 5 Passengers
Rate: IDR. 500.000,-
Duration: 10 Hours
Including: Driver and Petrol
Overtime: IDR. 50.000,-/Hour

ISUZU ELF 9 Seats 
Facilities : TV, VCD, DVD,AC
Maximum  : 9 Passengers
Rate : IDR 750.000,-
Duration : 10 Hours
Including : Driver and Petrol
Overtime : IDR 50.000,-/Hour

Car Hire Rates include transportation (as per specified above) with petrol, driver (English Speaking Driver is optional and subject to availability), AND parking fee.
Car Hire Rates are limited in the mentioned time only. Over time fee of IDR.50.000 per hour will be levied if contractors use the car more than the allocated time as mentioned above.
Car Hire Rates are valid on car usage within Bali area only. If contractors plan to use the car across any of the strait (Lombok Strait or Bali Strait), we will charge extra per day rate and with minimum hire period of 2 days from Bali to Bali point. This car rate includes driver and petrol only. Driver’s meals and accommodations, and return ferry tickets are excluded.
Donations & Entrance Fees: Any donation and entrance fee are not included and must be paid locally when visiting the object of visit. Tour Guide speaking preferred foreign language can be requested subject to additional cost for guide (subject to availability upon booking).

Deposit & Payment: once the reservation is confirmed, 50 % advance deposit is required. Please send us your inquiries by filling out the booking form accordingly