Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Drive towards the west of the island with a stop at Pura Sada who was built by the King of Mengwi around 12 century.
The next stop is at the Bali­nese com­pound in Tua Vil­lage. Where you’ll be also taken for a short walk around the gar­den behind the house to dis­cover the tra­di­tional home farm­ing and plan­ta­tion, also look at the local peo­ple mak­ing the Hindu shrines.
You will have your cof­fee break in this house at the same time.Then into the first jun­gle of Bedugul for a short off road drive.
The trip con­tinue by a cross Beratan Lake with the Ulun Danu Tem­ple set on the shore of the lake, it’s a beau­ti­ful scenery on the way. Then You’ll be escorted by our cap­tain through the organic farm­ing to get the idea of this won­der­ful agri­cul­ture. Your lunch will be served here as well.
Before going back to your hotel, we will enter­ing the sec­ond jun­gle, it’s a typ­i­cal rain for­est that Bali has,then make a short walk to find and see a holly Tirta Mam­peh waterfall.

Pick up time: 08.1508.45 || Dura­tion : 09 Hours
Tour rates:
  • USD 90 pp (Min­i­mum 2 person)
  • Child(5 – 12 y.o) 75%
Tour includes:
  • Trans­porta­tion by land rover
  • Cof­fee break
  • Lunch
  • All dona­tions
  • Entrance fees
  • Insur­ance

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