Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015

Explore the beauty of south Bali on this day tour. Visit Tan­jung Benoa the cen­tre of Bali’s water sport, Garuda Wisnu Ken­cana Parks with its huge statue of Garuda, The beau­ti­ful tem­ple of Uluwatu dan enjoy spe­cial seafood din­ner in Jimbaran
High­lights of the tours:
Here we will real­ize how beau­ti­ful the world under the sea if we pre­serve. Of course, reefs, coral, orna­men­tal fish in Tan­jung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali. You could play Water Sports such as Para­sail­ing, Banana boat, Fly­ing Fish, Jet Sky, Visit Tur­tle Island, etc. Absolutely Lot of fun.
Garuda Wisnu Ken­cana, or GWK for short, is the name of a cul­tural park on Bali’s hilly south­ern coast famous for the ongo­ing con­struc­tion of a gigan­tic statue of Vishnu rid­ing on the back of garuda (a super­nat­ural ea– gle-​like being). The com­pleted part of the statue is of the upper part of Vishnu’s body, the head of the garuda’s and Vishnu’s hands. The cul­tural park has become one of the favourite places in Bali for art and cul­tural per­for­mances, exhi­bi­tions, and con­fer­ences.GWK, once com­pleted at 145 metres, will be one of the world?s tallest stat­ues and erected on the top of the hill, with
Built on top of a mag­nif­i­cent steep cliffs (70m above sea level) on the west Pecatu vil­lage, Pura Uluwatu is one of the sev­eral impor­tant tem­ples to the spirit of the sea to be found along the south­ern coast of Bali. With direct views over­look­ing the beau­ti­ful Indian Ocean and daily Kecak dance per­for­mances, Pura Uluwatu is def­i­nitely one of the top places on the island to go to for sun­set delights. Bali­nese archi­tec­ture, tra­di­tion­ally– designed gate­ways, and ancient sculp­tures add to Pura Uluwatu’s appeal.
JIM­BARAN BAYIn the late years, Jim­baran emerges into a must-​visited beach. It will be the par­adise for seafood lovers that would like to taste the cui­sine by the sea while wit­ness­ing the moment of an air­craft tak­ing off or land­ing on Ngu­rah Rai Inter­na­tional Air­port. Hon­ey­moon­ers may have a roman­tic din­ner accom­pa­nied with the light of torches and the thun­der­ous sound of the ocean wave which breaks the silence of the night.
Pick Up Time: 09.00 || Dura­tion: 08 Hours
Tour Rates : USD 55/​car (Max. 5 person)
Tour includes:
  • Air-​conditioned Car
  • Eng­lish Speak­ing Driver
  • Pri­vate touring
  • Tour Sight­see­ing as per itinerary
  • Park­ing Fee
Tour excludes: Lunch, Entrance fee at places vis­ited.

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